4 Ways To Navigate Holiday Stress & Enjoy The Coming Season In Mindfulness

Holiday StressHoliday Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, 38% of Americans find it difficult to enjoy the holiday season due to the stress and anxiety that accompanies the happiest time of the year. Does this come as a surprise to you? Many can relate to the pressures to increase their budget to purchase Christmas gifts, others might fear weight gain due to increased exposure to holiday foods. And while there are many emotions surrounding the holiday season as well- not all of them are joyous feelings. For those who have lost a loved one recently, the holidays are tough. If this season tends to increase your cortisol levels rather than Christmas spirit, there are natural and holistic pathways to implement that can bring you peace of mind this coming season.

1. Practice Gratitude

This is listed as number one for a very important reason. We need to practice gratitude daily because it works. No prescription required. What are you truly grateful for today? This does not have to be a long, drawn-out process (unless you want it to be). On your commute to work each day, think of one thing that has brought value to your life and why. Express thankfulness for this thing, person, place, etc. Why? Because it sets your mind up to start seeking things to appreciate rather than complain about. You start to rewire your brain to focus its attention on satisfactory things, creating a happier disposition for your day and possibly your life.

2. Decrease Social Media Use

This is a big go-to when the conversation about decreasing your stress levels comes up. Social media has a habit of showing everyone’s best side while we compare that to all our sides. This is a, sure enough, self-esteem killer. Instead of trying to navigate through all of that and decipher what is real and what is not, how about we just limit our use this holiday season? Let’s take the 25 minutes of scrolling through Instagram and get to know our new sister-in-law instead.

3. Limit Alcoholic Beverages & Stay Hydrated

Cold weather often has people forgetting to drink enough water. It is still just as important to drink 64 oz of water daily. If you are consuming fun holiday alcohol drinks, you will likely need to drink even more to stay hydrated. Water can actually help flush cortisol and other stress toxins out of your body so it is important not to neglect proper hydration under times of high duress. And as tempting as it might be to have a few drinks to “take the edge off” after this year, be especially mindful of your alcohol use as well. Statistics have shown that Americans’ alcohol consumption has increased during COVID-19. If you decide to drink, make sure that it is in moderation.

4. Do Not Fall Out Of Your Daily Routine

Too often we allow the holidays to become an excuse for neglecting the gym, going to bed late or eating poorly, etc. This does not serve us well in the long run and makes us feel poorly during the season and into January. Set good intentions this month. Just because it is November and December does not mean you have to fall into poor habits. Be sure to continue your normal, healthy routine as much as possible so that you do not feel so obligated to “start fresh” on January 1st. And just because it is Thanksgiving Day does not mean you can’t enjoy a little exercise as well! Go for a brisk walk, play an outdoor game if the weather allows for it, etc. Make good habits a lifestyle for you and your family.

Dr. Catherine Oseni, Pharm.D. FAAMFM, ABAAHP, FICT is board-certified and fellowship-trained in Integrative and Functional Medicine. She can help you address the stress and anxiety that you might be facing in a holistic and integrative approach. She will be sharing a more in-depth look at addressing stress during the holidays in her webinar in December so be looking for the link to sign up for that on her website and social media pages! She is located at 1200 Clear Lake Rd in Weatherford, TX. Book an in-person or virtual consultation today by calling 817-550-6332!

And stop by for a complimentary Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for the month of November as Dr. Catherine’s way of saying thank you to the community! A reading from this machine can translate the following about your body: Total Body Water, Lean Body Mass, Skeletal Body Mass, Percent Body Fat, And much more! She is excited to offer this new tool in weight management and looks forward to seeing clients take advantage of this new resource!





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