6 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

We tend to take our brain for granted, but it is the most critical part of our body. We rely on it to process information, store memories, and function correctly every day. It tells the rest of the body what to do and when.

Because we don’t see it – like we do with exercising muscles or taking care of our skin – we tend to neglect taking care of our brain until we see signs of it slowing down. But it’s never too late to start exercising and pampering your brain.

Here are some of the things you can do to keep your brain in good health:

1. Be Mindful of Nutrition

Maintaining a balanced diet and getting all the necessary nutrients we need is essential when it comes to brain care. You cannot expect a malnourished mind and body to perform well.

There are certain foods and nutrients that contribute to boosting brain power, memory, and overall health. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, and vitamin C help to keep your brain healthy and functioning at optimum levels. This includes eating fish, green leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

If you’re finding it difficult to naturally get all of the nutrients you need, you can also take supplements. Nutraceuticals (nutrition + pharmaceuticals) come from beneficial food sources to complement and add to what you’re already getting from what you eat.

2. Stay Active

Another way of keeping your head healthy is through physical activity. This activity not only benefits your body, but it also helps your mind. Exercise raises your heart rate and improves blood flow to your brain.

It is therefore a good idea to get on your feet for at least 30 minutes a day. Make it something you enjoy – such as a leisurely walk or a dance class. Yoga is also a popular choice, as it engages your body and relaxes your mind.

3. Keep Using Your Brain

Just like how you should avoid being physically stagnant and sedentary but rather be active and physically fit for your overall health, you should also keep your brain stimulated and working. Experts in the brain encourage those with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia to perform brain exercises to improve their brain function.

You can enjoy the following activities to help reduce your risk of developing brain-related issues:

  • Reading and processing/analyzing written information
  • Playing games
  • Solving puzzles
  • Learning a new language
  • Attending classes to learn something new

4. Get Enough Rest

Sometimes, the best thing for your brain is nothing. Rest is necessary for your mind to recover from your daily activities and stress. Sleep is actually more important for the brain than it is for the rest of the body, because the brain needs to be disengaged and to reset itself on a daily basis in order to continue performing.

Make sure that you get enough sleep every night. If you find yourself lacking hours of sleep throughout the evening, try to find time for a nap.

5. Avoid Harmful Habits

Harmful habits include smoking, drinking too much alcohol, ingesting harmful drugs (or taking too much of a prescription medication), and eating too much high-fat food. Such vices may affect your brain physically, as these chemicals can impair brain function.

6. Socialize with Others

Maintaining good relationships with friends and family actually has a positive impact on your brain’s health. Socialization keeps you from getting the blues, which can prevent your mind from functioning at peak levels.

Spending time with others also activates various parts of your brain as you listen and think of responses. This does not happen if you sit at home and keep to yourself.

Who Can Help Me Keep My Brain Healthy?

Follow these tips listed above for a holistic way of taking care of your mind. And it never hurts to turn to health professionals for added help.

Dr. Catherine Oseni is the leading expert in Integrative and Functional Medicine in the Fort Worth and Weatherford, TX. Her expertise in integrative medicine and her holistic approach will help you foster naturally thriving brain health. She can create a treatment plan specific to your needs, which may include functional testing, a diet plan, and nutraceutical supplements.

Call (817) 550-6332 to schedule an appointment, or use the online form now. Let us help you get on the road to a healthier brain.




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